A Level 2 Electrician is certified & trained to handle a range of electrical tasks. They install, repair, as well as maintain underground and overhead power lines. Regular electricians can’t handle these services and special qualifications and accreditations are needed for these jobs. Quick Connect Electrical has qualified and experienced Level 2 electricians that can handle all these specific jobs efficiently and skillfully.
Understanding what level 2 accreditation is
This accreditation allows professional electricians to offer connection and service work solutions to clients. In Sydney, energy companies such as Ausgrid in Sydney generally provide this accreditation. Our Level 2 electricians handle a wide variety of jobs such as:
- Reconnections and disconnections
A qualified Level 2 electrician can establish service lines between the main electrical network and the customer’s property. They can also disconnect the consumer mains from both from underground as well as overhead lines. If any lines have been disconnected previously, they can reconnect those as well and can help establish temporary connections too.
- Metering & energising
Level-2 electricians can also install specialised electricity metering systems and then energise the service. They have the ability and certification to install relay switches, off peak meters, and replace older electrical meters with modern electronic meters when needed. Our expert and licensed electricians can install these meters in outdoor as well as indoor settings.
- Overhead and underground serving
A Level-3 electrician can also repair and install underground and overhead electrical service mains when needed. They will connect these lines to the main energy supply and replace old or malfunctioning, neutral links, actives and service fuses.
- Service upgrades
If you require additional service upgrades or lines, our electricians can handle all these tasks expertly as well. We have all the necessary tools, experience, training and resources to manage all these jobs efficiently and safely.
- Repairs of damaged cables
The excessive Sydney heat can damage outdoor cables and expose inner copper wiring to the elements. This can result in a variety of problems and need to be fixed without delay. If you have received any defect notices from your energy service provider, its important to address the problem without delay. Call us and we will send out a certified and licensed Level-2 electrician to your location. They will replace or repair the lines to ensure your system is up and running within no time at all.
In addition to Level-2 electrical services, we also handle all type of regular residential and commercial electrical jobs. Quick Connect Electrical can provide excellent all-round electrical installation, repair and installation solutions and 24/7 emergency services at very cost-effective pricing.
To check if we serve your area, just enter your pin code in the box on the right of the page. See what our customers are saying about our company & services. We can provide you the best services at cost-effective pricing. For an emergency electrician in Sydney, any time of the day or night, call us at this number- 1300 725 894.
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